​Perfect Blogger tips

DO YOU. We always hear these magic words all the time but if you go through my blog posts like this one   you’ll see these words from a whole new point of view. Getting the views that I get and considering I just started blogging three days ago on the free plan, I think that I know a thing or two about being a perfect blogger.

If You want to post articles that will touch people’s souls 

you got to get personal. If you know that you ain’t willing to honestly talk about something that you went through just not to look ‘weak’ or something, you won’t touch someone’s soul at all and that’s bad for your blog.

BE YOU. After watching my first YouTube video, I felt ashamed of myself. I looked stupid, but after reshooting the video again I felt proud of myself. I liked it, and noticed that the difference between the two was that in the first video I was acting like my favorite youtuber Meir Kay but in the second I DID ME.



If you have liked this article please feel free to share your opinion in the comment section below and if you like history fiction books ‘Vikings’ check out mine THE NORTHMEN OF MONTECARA on Amazon. Thanks

132 thoughts on “​Perfect Blogger tips

      1. Hello Emmanuel. You must be joking…
        I’m a newbie. Only have been blogging for 18 months. Well, if I can help you with something I would be glad to. Just tell me what it is.


    Very well said….no…that was PERFECTLY said! Wanna know why that statement you made is so very true for me?
    Because YOU are ORIGINAL. I AM ORIGINAL. The one reading this IS ORIGINAL! We all are ORIGINALS!
    You got this! Rock on!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Right On! … and you seem to be one of them. And the more we write, the more ‘others’ will come forth and join/write/express/expand.


  2. BTW i was so confused on which topic should I start my YouTube channel 🤨🤨….
    coming back to this Blog point , yes I noticed that whenever I write without thinking about other people perception I get some likes on my post …. yaaayyy!!! Just like the last one ☺️☺️*whistle*, *drum rolls*

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Emmanuel! Awesome.I loved your line ‘Be You’ and then your bottom line- An original is always better than a copy’ Hope you share such posts in future too
    hv a grt time

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bonjour ou Bonsoir

    Joyeux Noël mon ami amie !

    J’espère que le Père Noël sera généreux avec toi

    Si ce n’est pas le cas ne t’inquiète pas

    Sache que mon amitié pour toi vaut tout l’or du monde

    Ce petit message marrant pour Noël

    Que tu te rappelles combien notre relation amicale est importante pour moi.

    Je te présente par avance tous mes vœux de bonne année 2018

    Ton ami qui pense à toi

    Bisous Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Write anything that comes to your head even if its YOU WANT TO EAT PIE… Read my blogs.. I write about anything and people like it..what comes from them heart enters the heart.. Check my previous article MASTERING SUCCESS.. am talking about “dry spell” which is sexual stuf but people like it

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Agree, sometimes is to go out from that feeling shame state of mind that is difficult but once you do then all is a lot more easy.


      1. being a new blogger i want to know how much efforts i hav to put in order to hav 500+ followers like others so i was stalking everyone including mr

        Liked by 1 person

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